Kitchen Remodeling - Day Two

Not much changed today. The carpenters removed the shoe molding around the baseboard and took off the door and frame that used to cover my ironing board.
The ironing board was installed badly 28 years ago and there is no insulation behind it to shield us from the outside temps. Tonight I put packing tape around all the edges to prevent the wind from just blowing right in. Larry thinks this might be a job for Great Stuff insulating foam.

The good news is that Red opened up the sheetrock on the outside wall and found that the long-ago termites had only scratched the surface and hadn't actually damaged the wood. The copper water tube, however, had been installed on the OUTSIDE of the insulation - which explains why the tube burst before we even bought the house. We haven't had an ice maker in 22 years - no water line to feed it.
It seems that as soon as we decided to remodel, the money committed to this project screamed out for the rest of the money to come along! Last week we had to have a furnace and heat pump replaced that failed unexpectedly after only 6 years. Today, in addition to the remodel, we had to have upgrades to the security system. The frequencies assigned to the cell-phone type backup system had been revoked by the FCC. The FCC, however, didn't offer to pay for the upgrade.
The furniture company came to try unsuccessfully to fix the flaws in the new furniture. And the Salvation Army came with a full truck to pick up the huge, old three-piece sectional with two ottomans. They are coming back Thursday.
Enough turmoil for one day. Some progress though. The carpenters hung the saved cabinets in Larry's workshop, except for the one that should be over the desk which accidentally got thrown in the dumpster. Until we replace the desk, we don't know where to hang the cabinet.
Tomorrow is plumbing estimate day.
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